Orpheus Story - The Shifters Wiki
Store Selected

The shop is where players can make monetary transactions for certain game buffs. It is located(by default) on the right edge of the screen towards the bottom between Settings and Ranks.

Cash Options:[]

Like most games, players have the option to pay cash for diamonds. Briefly, diamonds are the "premium" currency in the game. Players have the option to slowly earn diamonds for free by chasms or rewards, but purchasing them also awards VIP points.

Here are the different deals in the game.

Buffs: (I just realized this has it's own section...well RIP. I may move things over later)[]

Buffs are temporary advantages the player can buy with diamonds. The costs range from 10, 15, to 30. Generally the initial purchase grants 1 day of the buff; however, players may extend the duration using diamonds. The buffs can be extended to a maximum of one month.

Will finish this later - aru


